Collective Worship

As a Church school, Collective Worship is an important time during which we can share in celebrating God’s love and learn more about our Christian faith through stories, songs, drama and prayer. We also celebrate the traditions of other religions in order for children to become more understanding of the beliefs of others.

The Christian values we promote through Collective Worship are the foundation of our school ethos. We have eight key Christian values that are the core of our school life. These are Creation, Endurance, Forgiveness, Koinonia, Reverence, Service, Trust and Wisdom.

We are supported by our local church community and members of the church regularly visit the school to lead Collective Worship. Our local church, St Martin’s, is located a short walk from the school.

Every Friday we acknowledge and reward the children for achievements both in and out of school, promoting the ethos of the school that all children are valued and learning is celebrated.

Pupils take an active role in worship through:

  • Planning and leading Class Led Worship
  • Running the sound and visuals
  • Reading and writing prayers
  • Taking part in drama or other activities at the front
  • Reading the Bible stories

Throughout the year we also have Class Led Worship where the children plan a worship session in their class supported by their Class Teacher. This is based on the value of the week. The children then lead the act of worship.

Our Collective Worship Timetable