Absence Requests

There is no longer any entitlement in law for students to take time off during term time to go on holiday and authorisation will only be given for exceptional circumstances.

Leave of absence must be granted at least two weeks in advance by the school via the “Application for Leave of Absence from school during Term Time” form for each pupil (see below).  No leave of absence will be granted to a pupil during, or immediately before, any examination period regardless of the pupil’s attendance record or year group.  Any Leave of Absence taken without completing the appropriate application in advance, or taken when permission has been refused by the school, will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and may result in the school applying to the Local Authority (Attendance Compliance) to issue a Penalty Notice or if you have previously been issued a Penalty Notice, the school may request a direct prosecution by the Local Authority (Attendance Compliance).

If you would like to apply for an authorised absence from school, please download the form below and return it to the school as soon as possible: