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Little Waltham Primary School



At Little Waltham Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, are able to reason mathematically and can solve problems by applying their knowledge in a range of contexts. We are dedicated to enabling children to recognise the importance of mathematics in the wider world so that they are able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in a variety of situations in their lives. We want all children to enjoy mathematics and to develop a deep and sustained conceptual understanding so that they can experience success in the subject. We aim for pupils to achieve mastery of mathematics by acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. We seek to develop children’s curiosity about the subject, allowing them to see patterns and relationships between numbers, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics.


Mathematics is taught coherently and sequentially using a combination of the White Rose Maths and other materials such as I can see reasoning, I can see problem solving and the NRICH resources. Units of learning are broken down into a series of small, connected steps with each building on the children’s prior learning. Each lesson focuses on one small step or a series of small steps. Pupils in the Early Years are prepared for the National Curriculum by developing a solid conceptual understanding of number, shape, space and measure. The Early Years Foundation Framework is used to guide mathematical learning. Learning throughout the school is introduced using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach so that pupils develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics through a variety of manipulatives and representations. Teachers plan and deliver lessons to address the needs of all pupils with the use of scaffolding, skilful questioning, rapid intervention and carefully designed enriching activities. The vast majority of pupils progress through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged by being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration to new content. 

Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.

Our mathematics curriculum overview 

cp overview years 1 6 08122021.pdf



The impact of our curriculum on pupils’ development of mathematical knowledge and skills is measured formatively and summatively. Regular and ongoing assessment by teachers and the use of assessments informs teaching, as well as intervention, to support and enable the success of each child.

Summative assessments for each pupil in mathematics are shared with parents and carers each term through a termly school report. In-school moderation of teachers’ assessments are moderated regularly by the Mathematics leader, Senior Leaders and through moderation with local schools. The Mathematics Leader monitors teaching and learning to ensure that pupils make good progress across the school.

In the Early Years, a mixture of child-initiated and quality teacher-led learning enables the vast majority of pupils to progress seamlessly onto the National Curriculum by achieving their Early Learning Goals in Mathematics.

Upon completion of Year 6, our curriculum enables pupils to be fully prepared and equipped to successfully continue their mathematical learning journey at secondary school and in their later lives.

We have a range of online resources that children can access from home with their own personal logins to further support their knowledge and confidence in maths: 

Times Tables Rock Stars 

My Maths

Mathematics Policy

Calculation Progression Policy

Calculation Guidance Progression