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Little Waltham Primary School

Vision & Values

Our School

At Little Waltham Primary School we are proud to be an inclusive school where we work together to challenge, inspire and motivate all children to become successful, confident and caring members of society. We work together to create a harmonious environment where all members of the school community feel safe, can enjoy, achieve and make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community. We promote a culture where pupils are happy, believe that they can succeed, take responsibility for their learning, set targets for their own achievement and develop as independent learners.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission as a church school is to be – Loving, Welcoming and Succeeding with Faith, Family and Friendship at the centre of all that we do. 

Our Aims

At Little Waltham Primary School we aim to:

  • Provide a differentiated and relevant curriculum with varied teaching styles to meet the range of pupils’ educational needs, ensuring excellence and enjoyment.
  • Enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development.
  • Actively support the welfare, well-being and safeguarding of our pupils.
  • Make each and every child feel a valued member of the school community.
  • Help pupils to develop the skills of an independent learner, promoting high self esteem and a positive self image in preparing pupils for their future roles in society.
  • Identify individual needs and to make an appropriate response to these, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
  • Promote a working partnership between home and school in supporting each child’s learning.
  • Develop a community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values, based on Christian principles, whilst acknowledging and respecting values held by other cultures and faiths.
  • Develop a sense of reverence, appreciation, awe and wonder about our world.
  • Provide a happy school with a safe, caring, stimulating and attractive environment.

Our Vision

Our vision is based on us, like the body of Christ, being a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us.

We are strongest working together in unity, which is key to living life in harmony so that we can do God’s will. This reflects the biblical text: 

For the body is not one member, but many

1 Corinthians, 12:14

At Little Waltham C.E.V.A. Primary School, we work together to inspire others towards excellence. We do this in a distinctively Christian environment where our vision and values underpin all that we do. 

Our Values

Our values of Compassion, Courage, Perseverance, and Forgiveness chosen by the children, staff and governors, reflect the aspirations we have for each pupil, to inspire a high level of spiritual and moral reflection and to challenge them to take responsibility for their own actions.