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Little Waltham Primary School

School Achievement and Results 

We strive for exceptional standards across all subjects and for all of our pupils. Little Waltham's pupils make very good academic progress and achieve very well compared to their peers nationally.

Pupils Meeting The Expected Standard At The End Of Key Stage 2 2024 

Number of pupils in cohort % of pupils meeting standard National Average Average Scaled Score School vs National Overall 
Combined (Reading, Writing, Mathematics)  42 79% 61% N/A +18% Significantly above national average
Reading 42 90% 74% 109.5 +16% Significantly above national average
Mathematics 42 93% 73% 108.1 +20% Significantly above national average
Writing 42 81% 72% N/A +9%  Above national average
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling  42 88% 72% 107.5 +16% Significantly above national average
Science 42 93% 81% N/A +12% Significantly above national average

Pupils Meeting The Higher Standard (Greater Depth) At The End Of Key Stage 2 2024

Number of pupils in cohort % of pupils meeting standard National Average School vs National Overall
Combined (Reading, Writing, Mathematics) 42 19% 7% +12% Above national average
Reading 42 57% 28% +29% Significantly above national average
Mathematics 42 40% 23% +17% Significantly above national average
Writing 42 31% 12% +19% Significantly above national average
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling 42 33% 31% +2% Above national average

 Early Years Foundation Stage 2024

Cohort  School  National
% of pupils achieving a good level of development 28 79% 68%
% of pupil at the expected level across all early learning goals 28 79% 67%
Average number of early learning goals at the expected level per pupil. 28 14.8 14.2

 Phonics Screening Check (Year 1) 2024

Number of pupils in cohort School  National
% of pupils passing in Year 1 27 74% 80%
% of pupils passing check by the end of Year 2 32 94% 91%

 Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4) 2024

School  National Average
% of pupils scoring full marks (25/25) 24% 34%
Average Score out of 25 22.6 20.6

Further information can be viewed on the Schools and College Performance Measures website (Currently 2023 data). 


Standards from previous years

Pupils Meeting The Expected Standard At The End Of Key Stage 2 2023 

Number of pupils in cohort % of pupils meeting standards National Average Average Scaled Score School vs National Overall
Combined (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) 29 76% 60% N/A +16% Above national average
Reading 29 90% 73% 108.7 +17% Significantly above national average
Mathematics 29 90% 73% 107.4 +17% Significantly above national average
Writing 29 79% 71% N/A +8% Above national average
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 29 67% 72% 105.6 -5% Below national average
Science 29 79% 80% N/A -1% Just below national average

Pupils Meeting The Higher Standard (Greater Depth) At The End Of Key Stage 2 2023

Number of pupils in cohort % of pupils meeting standards National Average School vs National Overall
Combined (Reading, Writing and Mathematics)  29 17% 8% +9% Above national average
Reading 29 45% 29% +16%  Above national average
Mathematics 29 48% 24% +24%  Significantly above national average
Writing 29 17% 13% +4% Above national average
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling 29 45%  30% +15% Above national average 

 Early Years Foundation Stage 2023

Number of pupils in cohort  School National Average
% of pupils achieving a good level of development 22 77% 67%
% of pupils at the expected level across all early learning goals 22 77% 66%
Average number of early learning goals at the expected level per pupil  22 14.0 14.1

Phonics Screening Check (Year 1) 2023

Number of pupils in cohort School National Average 
% of pupils passing in Year 1 31 81% 79%
% of pupils passing check by the end of Year 2 31 84% 89%

 Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4) 2023

Number of pupils in cohort School National Average
% of pupils scoring full marks  21 24 29
Average score (out of 25) 21 21.6 20.2