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Little Waltham Primary School

Physical Education

PE (Physical Education)


At Little Waltham Primary school, we aspire to inspire others towards excellence in all curriculum subjects. For PE, we intend for our pupils to develop the skills to succeed and excel in competitive sport and physically demanding activities, enabling our pupils to develop in confidence and improve their health and fitness in order to lead healthy, active lives. There is a clear link between physical and mental health and so at Little Waltham, all of our pupils are encouraged to be physically active at break and lunchtimes to be happy, healthy individuals.

At Little Waltham, our PE curriculum offers a wide range of physical activities, which includes games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, swimming and Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA). Having such a broad curriculum enables our pupils to have the best opportunities to develop transferable skills.

In addition to our curriculum PE, we offer a range of clubs, which are run by school staff or external providers. We also partake in local competitions.


PE is implemented through a carefully planned, progressive curriculum, which focuses on developing skills individually and in unison, which can be applied to game situations, or to a routine, as in gymnastics and dance. PE lessons offer challenge to pupils within lessons and our curriculum also offers increasing challenge as our pupils move through the school.

At Little Waltham, all pupils receive a weekly PE lesson and participate in termly house events where they take part in activities designed to enrich their enjoyment of the subject and enhance team-working skills. 

As a church school, strong links are made with our core Christian values of endurance, koinonia and reverence. Links are also made to our Super skills of being enthusiastic, keep on going, risk taker, adaptable and aim high.

PE lessons include a warm up before the main activity and a cool-down session afterwards to prevent injury and to teach children about the importance of the body being ready for exercise.

Pupils are assessed termly against a set of objectives, which are specific to each area of the PE curriculum.


The impact of a progressive and broad PE curriculum, alongside opportunities to partake in extra-curricular clubs and local competitions, will heighten the sense of enjoyment of PE, which will enable children to lead healthy, active lives. It will also ensure that our pupils develop skills that will assist them in other curriculum areas and later on in life. 

PE Curriculum Map