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Little Waltham Primary School

School Meals

At lunchtime, you may arrange for your child to have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. We are fortunate to have excellent lunchtime staff who ensure that children enjoy this period in their day ready for a busy and productive afternoon.

School Catering

The school kitchen provides nutritious and tasty meals in line with current Government guidelines every day at a cost of £2.45. School meals are a good opportunity for the children to develop their social skills and can play a major part in broadening children’s attitudes to what foods they will and will not eat. For all these reasons, we like as many children as possible to use the school meals service.

The menu for the coming week is sent out by email every Friday.

Packed Lunches

Parents are requested to follow healthy eating guidelines when sending packed lunches to school. Many children bring carrot sticks and pieces of fruit or raisins as healthy extras in their lunch boxes. Chocolate and fizzy drinks should not be part of packed lunches. Nuts and nut products are not allowed in school because of the number of pupils with serious food allergies. 

Break Time Snacks

Children are encouraged to bring in a fruit or vegetable snack for break-time, although the government provides fruit daily for Key Stage 1 children in order to promote healthy eating. 


Children may bring their own drink of water, in a named plastic bottle, which is kept in the classrooms. The children can request a drink at any time. The school operates a “drink when required” policy, whereby the older pupils may keep their drinks with them on their tables all day and younger pupils have ready access to their drinks in the classroom.