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Little Waltham Primary School

Elm Class

Teacher: Mr S Tilsley

Year 2 Classroom

In the Spring half term, our main topic will be Florence Nightingale. We will also study the life of Mary Seacole.

Homework will be handed out every Friday and should be completed and returned by Wednesday. Homework tasks are designed to reinforce what we have been learning in class and provide additional practice.

PE will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. The lessons will focus on dance and ball skills. Please ensure your child comes to school with a complete PE kit, a plain tracksuit for colder days and appropriate footwear. Earrings should always be removed on PE days. 

Regular reading at home is vital to your child’s progress. Please encourage children to read every day and record this in their reading record. We check reading records weekly every Monday, and any support you provide at home makes a significant difference.

An update on pupil progress will be provided through parent consultations the week beginning the 10th February.


homework elm week 15.pdf

Curriculum Overview Spring Term  

elm class overview spring term 2025.pdf

School Trips

In Year 2, we visit Layer Marney Tower to take part in a Great Fire of London immersive day. We also visit Chatham Green Wilderness Foundation in the Summer term. 

Layer Marney Tower - Historic House in Colchester, Colchester - Visit Essex