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Little Waltham Primary School



At Little Waltham C.E.V.A. Primary School it is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and at Little Waltham we want to ensure that the children have opportunities available to allow them to achieve this. It is important to us that the children understand how to use the ever-changing technology as tools for learning and to become active participants in the digital world.

Whilst ensuring they understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want children to develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.


Our scheme of work for Computing is from the ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum and this covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. This scheme was chosen as it has been created by subject experts and it provides and innovative progression framework. 

The curriculum aims to equip young people with the knowledge skills and understanding they need to thrive in the digital world of today and the future. The curriculum can be broken down into three strands: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. 

  • Children at Little Waltham will participate in weekly Computing lessons
  • Children have access to computers and resources to develop knowledge
  • A clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum
  • Teaching and learning should facilitate progression across all key stages within the strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science.
  • Children will have the opportunity to explore and respond to key issues such as digital communication, cyber-bullying, online safety, security and social media.
  • Wider Curriculum links, including PSHE provide opportunities to further explore the key issues associated with online safety.
  • Parents are informed when issues relating to online safety arise and further information/support is provided if required.


Within computing, we encourage a environment in which pupils can learn to express and challenge themselves. By making computing as practical as possible, we seek to inspire a love of computing and to develop the children’s skills to become independent learners.

  • Children will be confident users of technology, able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals.
  • Children at Little Waltham will be enthusiastic and confident in their approach towards computing.
  • Children will be able to create and then evaluate their own project work.
  • The children at Little Waltham will have a secure understanding of the positive applications and specific risks associated with a broad range of digital technology.
  • To develop as respectful and confident online, understanding when to take measures to keep themselves and others safe.
  • Transition to secondary school with a keen interest in the continued learning of this subject.

Computing Curriculum Map