Chestnut Class
Teachers: Mrs E Dennis-Launder and Mrs G Smith-Little
This half term, our main topic will be Discovering Little Waltham - A Journey Through Our Local Area.
Within the year group curriculum this half term we will also be studying Incarnation in R.E, Mechanisms in DT, Singing in Music, Materials in Science, Parts and Wholes in Maths, Health and Wellbeing in P.S.H.E.
End-of-term assessments in Reading, Writing and Mathematics will take place at the end of November. These assessments will help us evaluate your child’s progress this term and put in place further challenge or support. Reports to parents will then be sent home at the end of term.
Curriculum Overview Autumn Term
chestnut class curriculum overview autumn term 2024.pdf
Parent Welcome Meeting Presentation
new welcome to year one 2024.pdf
School Trips
In Year 1, we visit Mountfitchet Castle Toy Museum in the Autumn term. We also visit Chatham Green Wilderness Foundation in the Summer term.